

When you take a piece of fabric and press emotion into it – your brand tells a story

Softness• represents that invisible part in each of us deeply hidden and carried within ourselves, so deep that we are never quite sure if it is there until someone from the outside recognizes it. Precisely that moment of transformation from the subtle unconscious to the source of power within us, is the strength of softness. 

Created as a perfect multifunctional piece that woman could wear on the beach, in the city, at the gym. It is inspired by classical ballet where to achieve perfect tenderness of movement, one must reach into the deepest strength within themselves.

Slow-fashion brand made in Belgrade that deeply cares about every piece that comes from Softness• production, one person sews whole piece and does it with love, responsibility, and joy.

Energy knit into every piece comes from beautiful sunsets on Ada Bojana, power of each inhale and exhale while going deeper into the yoga asana and dance until the morning in the cathartic nights of Belgrade.